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How to Get Out of a Car Lease: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated: Oct 27, 2023

How to Get Out of a Car Lease: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Get Out of a Car Lease: A Comprehensive Guide

Leasing a car can be an attractive option for many, offering the chance to drive a new vehicle without the long-term commitment of ownership. However, circumstances change and there may come a time when you need to break free from your auto lease. This can seem daunting, but fear not - we're here to guide you through the process. Let's explore the different ways to get out of your auto lease, including selling your vehicle to us MI Car Buyers.

1. Return the Vehicle

The first and simplest way to exit your car lease is to return the vehicle to the leasing company. This is usually done at the end of your lease term, but you can also do it early if necessary. When returning the car, ensure it meets the lessor's condition guidelines to avoid any additional charges. Be aware, however, that early termination may result in hefty fees.

2. Roll the Payments into a New Vehicle

Another option is to trade in your leased vehicle for a new one. This involves rolling over your remaining lease payments into a new lease or purchase agreement. It's a convenient way to upgrade your car and get out of your current lease simultaneously. However, this method may lead to higher monthly payments as you'll be covering the cost of your old and new vehicle.

3. Request Voluntary Repossession

Requesting voluntary repossession is a drastic step. This means you are asking the leasing company to take back the vehicle before the lease term ends. While this will get you out of the lease, it will likely have a negative impact on your credit score and could lead to additional costs. This should only be considered as a last resort.

4. Find Someone to Assume the Lease

Finding someone else to take over your lease, also known as lease assumption, can be an effective way to get out of your lease early. The new lessee takes over the lease payments and responsibilities, freeing you from the contract. However, not all leasing companies allow this, and those that do may require the new lessee to meet certain credit requirements.

5. Sell your car to MI Car Buyers

Another option is to sell your car to MI Car Buyers. In this method, we will purchase your vehicle and pay you any additional equity in your vehicle. By allowing a company like MI Car Buyers to buy out your lease, any profit made from the sale, instead of going to the dealership, goes to you. Not only does this method get you out of your lease early entirely, but it can also potentially put some extra money in your pocket.

In conclusion, turning in your lease early is possible and can be achieved in various ways. Whether you choose to pay a termination fee, roll your payments into a new lease, transfer your lease to someone else, or unlock your vehicle's equity with the MI Car Buyers, it's crucial to understand your lease agreement and consider the financial implications of each option. Always consult with a financial advisor or attorney before making any decisions. With careful planning and consideration, you can successfully navigate the process of ending your car lease early.

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